“The Streak” in the current issue of The Flyfish Journal

Catching a striped bass on the fly from the shore for twelve consecutive months takes determination, fortitude, and luck. It also takes you to some pretty strange places.

At long last, “The Streak” has arrived in Volume Six, Issue Three of The Flyfish Journal. “The Streak” is about my second attempt to go twelve-for-twelve, January through December. How it ends really isn’t important. It’s all about making the attempt.

Let me know if you get the chance to read it.

The Streak. Read all about it in the current issue of The Flyfish Journal.



Whether they admit it or not, every outdoor writer likes seeing their work in print. When it’s in “fly fishing’s coffee-table bible,” it makes it even sweeter. In addition to the words, I have two photos in the book. I’d also like to give a shout out to my brother David, who earned a full page for his beautiful time-lapse night shot of the SoCo shoreline. David also took the photo of yours truly for the Contributors page.


6 comments on ““The Streak” in the current issue of The Flyfish Journal

  1. Richard Heffernon says:

    Your brothers photo is incredible !

  2. Steve Culton says:

    David most definitely does not suck.

  3. Justin says:

    Great article. Really enjoyed it.

  4. Steve Culton says:


    Thanks for reading, and thanks for taking the time to comment. I’m glad you liked it.

  5. Pete Barrett says:

    Thoroughly enjoyed your quest and excellent writing.

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